quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2006


Tres da minhas tatuagens confirmam o quanto eu sou alucinada por musica. Pois bem, ha uns trechos de musicas q eu acho q TODO MUNDO deveria conhecer e refletir sobre eles.

Aih esta o Top 10 dessa semana

1. Para os ciumentos de plantao:

There'll be no strings to bind your hands
not if my love can't bind your heart
[Angel of the morning - The Pretenders]

2. Pra ensinar aos nossos filhos a ter medo da coisa certa:

Menininha, que graça é você
Uma coisinha assim
Começando a viver
Fique assim, meu amor
Sem crescer
Porque o mundo é ruim, é ruim
E você vai sofrer de repente
Uma desilusão
Porque a vida é somente
Seu bicho-papão
[Valsa para uma menininha - Vinicius de Moraes/Toquinho]

3. Porque a beleza de crescer esta em poder continuar sendo crianca.

Eu apenas queria que voce soubesse
Que esta menina hoje eh uma mulher
E que esta mulher eh uma menina
Que colheu seu fruto flor do seu carinho
Eu apenas queria dizer a todo mundo que me gosta
Que hoje eu me gosto muito mais
Porque me entendo muito mais também
[Eu apenas queria que voce soubesse - Gonzaguinha]

4. Enquanto eu chamo amor de poesia, Arnaldo Jabor chama de prosa e Chico Buarque de bolero.

Me vejo a teu lado
Te amo?
Não lembro
Parece dezembro
De um ano dourado
Parece bolero
Te quero, te quero
Dizer que nao quero
Teus beijos nunca mais
[Anos Dourados - Chico Buarque]

5. Certas coisas sao inexplicaveis.

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me
I don´t want to leave her now
You know I believe and how
[Something - The Beatles]

6. Eh bom saber que mais alguem no mundo eh como eu. Alias, melhor, uma vez que ele conseguiu traduzir em palavras o sentimento.

Oh, darling.
Please believe me.
I'll never do you no harm.
Believe me when I tell you,
I'll never do you no harm.
[Oh, darling - The Beatles]

7. Poucas coisas viram meu estomago. Uma delas eh falta de verdade, veracidade ateh - atencao ao nome do blog... entrou porque quis.

What you've got isn't all that you've been given
Changing your body like you change your jeans
Nothing is ever as it seems
Something tells me it's a marriage made in heaven
Stealing your look from a magazine
Playing the part from a movie scene
[Impressed - Natalie Imbruglia]

8. Existe alguma coisa melhor nesse mundo do que conselhos??? Pelos bons eu pagaria todo e qualquer dinheiro.

It's not time to make a change
Just relax, take it easy
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to know
Find a girl, settle down
If you want, you can marry her
Look at me, I am old
But I'm happy
[Father and son - Cat Stevens]

9. Porque amar, de fato, eh dar e nao querer nada em troca.

A mim nao importa ser a sombra
Quando voce eh a figura
Ser a situacao
Quando voce eh o assunto
Eu nasci pra estar ao seu lado
Mesmo se nao estamos juntos
E eh por isso que quando gritas
Permaneco calado
[Figura - Orlando Morais]

10. A impressao que eu tenho eh q as vezes o mais simples nao eh o menos complicado... Does that make ANY sense at all??

Now all the simple things are simply too complicated for my life
How'd I get so faithful to my freedom? A selfish kind of life
When all I ever wanted was the simple things
A simple kind of life

Musicoterapia pra a semana toda. Mas soh reflete quem quer.


terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2006

Otra vez lunes!

Monday curse:

- sono: mas muuuuuuuuuito sono.
- mau-humor: talk to the hand.
- desespero: outra semana inteeeira pela frente!
- disposicao: zero a nao-existente.

- O que salva eh a empadinha em boa companhia no fim do dia =]

* Eu soh quero entrar de ferias pra rir na cara das segundas-feiras!

** Vacations, to go, please.


domingo, 19 de novembro de 2006

It was about TIME I got back to business!

Have you ever felt like seven days don't just add up to a week? Have you ever noticed how one horrible hour can take much longer than 60 fun minutes?

These days I got to thinking about time. It's funny how it can play tricks on us. On one hand, there's that carpe diem motto I've been trying to follow. On the other hand, how can what we do now, at this very moment and for the sake of it alone, not influence how we'll feel in a minute or a day?

On the process of thinking about all of this, the closest to a conclusion that I've gotten to is that I guess this carpe diem thing does not really exist. Just like I don't believe in "present"... after all, the moment you're done saying that word, it is, then, past.

However, I do believe in moments. I mean, I believe there's instant choices we make that will have an immediate impact. But, still, those are bound to change things that follow.

This has been a long week. It feels like a month now. Lots of fun, tangiroscas, laughter, friends and dates. Only enough to fit in one 7-day week. But great enough to last much longer.

Throughout this week, time has been a loyal friend and a dishonest enemy. First, it seemed to say: "There.. that's your chance: Seize the day. It'll be over before you even know it. No hard feelings this time". Then... tic tac... tic tac... tic tac. Over. Now what? You can't go back and do anything better or say anything differently because it's gone. Never coming back. And you regret that you only worried about that day, or the day afterwards, or the next one. Because now there's a whole bunch of things to think about. There's changes to be made and things to be explained and personality traits to be reviewed. Wouldn't it be easier if you could have just taken the time then to think about what would certainly come next?

But, then again, would you do things differently altogether? I mean, other than those talks you never had, those kisses you never finished, those places you never went to, those people you never introduced, would you change the big picture? I don't think so. So, maybe, just maybe, this carpe diem thing is not all wrong. Maybe there's a little bit of that "present" concept in every past or future moment, and that's how you recognize it.

What comes on next, you brought on yourself. That's what you get for not speaking your mind, for being insecure, for being a hopeless romantic, for listening to people you shouldn't listen to and most importantly for asking so many questions, but not the ones you meant to ask.

It's gonna be a long November.
